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Website Meta Tags


The information in your meta tags is not seen by visitors to your website, but they provide important data for some search engines. Meta tags give an overview of a webpage and help search engines to understand what your website is all about.

The meta title and description tags are two of the most important tags. The keywords tag is also important, though some search engines don't pay much attention to it. These three meta tags should be included somewhere in the <head> and </head> section of your html code.

Meta Tags Description Content

  1. The author META tag defines the name of the author of the document being read.
  2. The expires META tag defines the expiration date and time of the document being indexed and requires RFC1123 date format, for example: Thu, 04 Oct 2010 14:21:20 GMT
  3. The abstract META tag is a one line sentence which gives an overview of the entire webpage
  4. Copyright: no need to add ©, it will be added automatically
  5. Publisher: Company that publishes material being read or sold on a web site

The Revisit META tag defines how often a search engine or spider should come to your website for re-indexing. For example 2 Days, 3 Days, 4 Days, etc. Note: Just ad number(s), and word Days will be added automatically.

Distribution: Global (indicates that your webpage is intended for mass distribution to everyone), Local (intended for local distribution of your document), and IU - Internal Use (not intended for public distribution).