Antigua Prime Minister
Elected in the 2014 national elections, Gaston Browne of the Antigua Labor Party is the fourth Prime Minister in Antigua and Barbuda since the island gained independence in November 1981. After years of trying, Gaston Browne and the ALP defeated Baldwin Spencer's UPP in a land slide victory in the 2014 election.
Since then, the financial and economic situation hasn't improved much. Prior to his election, the country was already becoming a heaven for nefarious actors and a paradise for non nationals of the larger Caribbean and caricom countries, but Antigua is a different place today since the election of Gaston Brown to the highest office in the land.
Like most of his predecessors, the Gaston Brown Government is also being accused of corruption, nepotism and misuse of Government office. So far, his tenure is just a continuation of failed ALP policies and schemes. Some of the accusations include the sale of Antigua passports and government lands to any one who can pay the price or promise a hand full of jobs.
Obviously, politicians in Antigua continue to take actions and make decisions that are not in the best interest of the people and the country on a whole. One example is the rapid influx and assimilation of Caricom national in the country that left Antigua feeling like prisoners in the own land with diminishing safety and political powers.
It's not clear if the country is reaping any tangible benefits from the election of Gaston Brown. Apparently, Antigua are no better off or more prosperous under his leadership, but It seems like the ALP and the prime minister are confident in their re-election and counting on the non nationals to keep them in power indefinitely.